Tool hire
Flexible hire across a selection of tools
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• Free delivery in South Molton Town
All prices inclusive of Vat
hour service
5.0 40 reviews
• Hire
• Sales
• Service
• Repair
• Free delivery in South Molton Town
All prices inclusive of Vat
Sds Drills, Diamond Drills, Mag Drills, Cordless and Imapct Drills and much more.
Rate | Half day | 1 day | 2 days | 3 days | 4-7 days | Weekend |
1 | £4.40 | £4.40 | £6.60 | £7.70 | £8.80 | £5.50 |
2 | £6.60 | £6.60 | £9.90 | £11.55 | £13.25 | £8.20 |
3 | £8.85 | £8.85 | £13.25 | £15.50 | £17.65 | £11.10 |
4 | £11.25 | £13.25 | £19.85 | £23.10 | £26.50 | £16.55 |
5 | £13.15 | £15.45 | £23.10 | £27.00 | £30.90 | £19.30 |
6 | £14.95 | £17.65 | £26.50 | £30.90 | £35.30 | £22.00 |
7 | £16.80 | £19.85 | £29.80 | £34.65 | £39.70 | £24.80 |
8 | £18.75 | £22.10 | £33.10 | £38.60 | £44.10 | £27.60 |
9 | £22.50 | £26.50 | £39.70 | £46.30 | £52.95 | £33.10 |
10 | £24.40 | £28.70 | £43.00 | £50.15 | £57.35 | £35.80 |
11 | £28.10 | £33.10 | £49.65 | £57.90 | £66.15 | £41.35 |
12 | £32.75 | £38.60 | £57.90 | £67.55 | £77.20 | £48.20 |
13 | £37.50 | £44.10 | £66.15 | £77.20 | £88.20 | £55.15 |
14 | £42.20 | £49.65 | £74.40 | £86.80 | £99.25 | £61.95 |
15 | £46.85 | £55.20 | £82.20 | £96.45 | £110.25 | £68.90 |
16 | £56.25 | £66.15 | £99.25 | £115.80 | £132.30 | £82.70 |
17 | £65.60 | £77.20 | £115.80 | £135.00 | £154.50 | £96.50 |
18 | £75.00 | £89.00 | £133.00 | £155.00 | £177.00 | £111.00 |